Narrare con l'archivio. Magistretti living

Narrare con l'archivio. Magistretti living is the international online forum organised by Fondazione Vico Magistretti in collaboration with MEET and with the patronage of Fondazione Cariplo.

The forum is curated by the scientific director of Fondazione Vico Magistretti, Rosanna Pavoni and Raimonda Riccini, professor of design at IUAV University of Venice.

Starting from the launch of the Magistretti Archive website, the forum aims to examine the value of the digital archives as means of cultural study, as well as teaching supports at everyone disposal.
During the forum three narrators will lead the conversation: Jeffrey Schnapp, designer, historian, director of metalab (at) harvard and expert in digital humanities, Frédérik Kaplan, director of the Digital Humanities Lab in Lausanne and creator of projects that integrate digitization archives and the museography concept; Luigi Ferrara, Dean of the George Brown College School of Design in Toronto.

With contributions by:
AIAP, AIS/Design, ANAI, APICE, Archivio di Stato di Roma, Archivio Gae Aulenti, Archivio Progetti dell’Università IUAV di Venezia, Archivi Storici del Politecnico di Milano, CCA Montreal, CASVA, Fondazione Franco Albini, Fondazione Achille Castiglioni, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Fondazione Feltrinelli, Fondazione ISEC, Fondazione Piero Portaluppi, Fondazione Triennale, IBC Archivi Regione Emilia Romagna, ICCD, IRIS, M9 Museo del 900, Museimpresa, Regesta, Sovrintendenza Archivistica e Bibliografica della Lombardia, Tecnologie Digitali commissione ICOM Italia 

Click here to see the forum registration and download the contributions collected (in Italian)



4:00 pm